Friday, April 14, 2023

Resolved to run my lane!

Oh hey y’all!! Quick question, have you ever been driving and then out of nowhere a vehicle swerved into your lane? One of the first things that you may do is honk your horn or yell stay in your lane with or without using profanity. While on your way to your destination, this unwarranted action has caused you temporary anxiety and distress. The more concerning piece is that the individual that swerved into your lane is totally unbothered by your actions and sometimes act as if they were given authority to enter your space. 

Now let’s apply this similar scenario to your personal or professional life. We have all heard of the phrase “stay in your lane.” During moments of frustration, we may have been the one to utter the historic phrase. I know l have. I often wonder what makes a person think they have earned the right to have an opinion or a front row seat to a life they have not been called or assigned to. I have been told quite often that you get in trouble when you operate outside of the lane that you have been called to.  

I do believe the phrase stay in your lane goes both ways. The energy that you give when someone inserts themselves in your business, should be accepted when you forget that you are minding someone else’s business. We know what it means to consume oneself with things that don’t concern us, but what does it mean to consume yourself with things that do concern you?  Focusing on one's own responsibilities, avoiding involvement in matters that do not concern you , and not interfering with someone else's work or opinions is how you become resolved to run the lane that has been given to you. 

But, again, what does this actually look like? Having the resolve to run your lane looks like acceptance. This means that you have come to terms with a circumstance or situation and you have embraced the reality of the situation 

by responding in a positive manner. Listen, acceptance can lead you to a sense of inner peace. When you are truly focused and committed to what God has placed in your hands, you won’t concern yourself with what others are doing. 

When you stay in your own lane, you will not become distracted by the things that could possibly take you off course. What is your area of expertise? How do you affirm the importance of your assigned role? You affirm this importance by becoming more focus on perfecting what has been placed in your hands. There is a specific path that has been predestined for you and when you are fully resolved to run your lane growth happens and goals are achieved. 

You only have authority where you have been given responsibility. Ha, that was a mouthful! Remember, it is always in your best interest to mind the business that pays you unless you have been invited into the life and circumstances of others. Also, make sure that you are vetting those invitations because some invites come with distractions attached and subsequently takes you away from your growth and goals. 

I would be remised if I didn’t share with you how you deal with those individuals always swerving left and right into your lane. And, YES, this is sometimes easier said than done, but I’m confident if you apply what I call my modern day version of the half hood half holy trinity you will be successful. First,  be polite, but definitely apply pressure as needed; secondly, be specific, give detailed examples because people sometimes forget about their actions and behaviors; and last but certainly not least, do it in real time. This means having the conversation as the individual is operating outside of their assigned role.

I challenge you today to be resolved to run your lane! Remember you only have authority where you have been given responsibility!

#OhHeyYall #melantedblogger #Responsibilty #StayinYourLane 


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